We were lucky enough to have the chance to sign up for two programs through Jerome's work that will be providing us with fresh fish and meat. The first one is a pilot program with Google and The Half Moon Bay (HMB) Fisherman’s Association. You can read all about the project here. In essence, we get fresh, sustainably caught, in-season fish fillets every two weeks, which is pretty cool. We don't often cook fish, although we both like it very much. Now we have no excuses!
The second Community Supported Agriculture program we joined is a meat partnership with Google and Marin Sun Farms where we'll get a certain amount of meat once a month in various cuts. The first few months will be grass fed beef and then it will branch off into a variety of other meats including: Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, Duck and potentially even Goat. There is also an egg option where you can get free range, organic eggs, but we haven't opted for that part yet, as we don't eat eggs to often.
It seems like a pretty cool set of programs. There is a small green grocer right next to our house, so we should be able to get most of our groceries there now that we won't need to be buying meat as often which will save lots of time and aggravation as we both detest grocery shopping in the big stores.
With our first Fish Box, we received a small insulated cooler and ice packs that we are to bring back for each pickup. We can even exchange unfrozen ice packs for new ones if we've forgotten to freeze them ahead of time. It's kind of nice that they have everything organized for us. Jerome just has to go to a specific place at work between certain hours on the given day, and his package is all labelled and ready for him to pick up and have his name crossed off the list.
At this point we've had our first fish shipment and our first meat shipment, and have documented our fun which will follow shortly.
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